HIIT Cardio At-Home Workout

Monday, April 26 2021 12:00 AM
By Katlyn Hartford

Genesis HIIT Cardio

3 sets – 5 moves per set – repeat for 2 rounds

30 secs per workout with a 15-second break in between

A 1-minute break between each set

Want to learn about the differences between steady state cardio and HIIT, or the benefits of HIIT altogether? Read the blogs below!

benefits of HIIT
HIIT vs. Cardio


Set 1

Cross Jacks – Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms straight out. Jump and cross your right foot over your left and your right foot over your left. Jump back to the starting position, then cross with the opposite arm and foot.

Cross Squat – Same movements as cross jacks but jump into a squat position instead of a standing position to increase your heart rate.


High Knee – Run in place with your knee at 90 degrees.

Updown Planks – Start in a high plank position. Bring your right arm down to a low plank and follow with your left arm. Bring your right arm back up to a high plank and follow with your left arm. 30 seconds with your right arm leading then switch arms and lead with your left arm for 30 seconds.

Updown Plank Jacks – Updown planks with a jack in high plank in between each set.


Set 2

Mountain Climbers – Start in a high plank and bring your knees to your elbow, the same side as the knee.

Reverse Lunge – Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and step your right foot back into a reverse lunge. Repeat on the left.

Two Lunges with Plyo Lunge Jump – Two reverse lunges with two plyo lunge jumps. Switch legs with each jump.

Burpee to Stand – Squat down and place your hands on the ground. Shoot your legs back into a high plank. Bring them back into a low squat. Stand and repeat.

Burpee to Stand Jump – After you complete a full burpee, jump high and go straight back down to a low squat.


Set 3

Skaters – Start in a small squat. Jump sideways to the left, landing on your left leg. Bring your right leg behind you to your left ankle, try not to let it touch the floor. Repeat this step in the other direction to complete one step.

Sidestep Squat – Start in a squat positions and step to your left for four steps (or until you reach the end of your workout area, start as far right as you can) keeping the squat hold in between steps. Repeat to the other side.

Shuffle Jump – Start in a squat position and shuffle left until you reach the end of your workout area and jump. Repeat to the other side.

Oblique Knee Pulls – Stand with your feet shoulder-distance apart with your weight on your left leg. Pull your right knee to your right elbow and crunch your obliques. Hit one side for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side for 30 seconds.

Cross Body Knee Driver – Stand in a high lunge position with your weight in your left leg and your arms high in the air. Bring your right knee to your hands as you slam them down and crunch your abs. Hit one side for 30 secs then repeat on the other side for 30 seconds.


Bonus Round: 1 minute each set:

Skaters with Twist – Same movements as Skaters but add a twist in between each leg to increase your heart rate and add oblique work.

Twisted High Knee – Same as high knee with a twist of each knee. Twist the opposite elbow to your knee with each high knee jump.

Mountain Climbers with Twist – Start in a high plank and bring your knees to the opposite elbow.


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