Genesis Health Clubs Blog

How to Perform a Proper Bench Press
Wednesday, October 9 2019 8:29 AM
Categorized In Fitness
John, the Fitness Manager at the Genesis Health Clubs Tara Plaza location, walks through the form and technique to perform a bench press properly. The bench press is an upper body exercise that consists of pressing a weight upwards while your body is in a supine position. This exercise targets the pectoral muscles, or pecs, and triceps. To start a bench press, sit on a bench with your feet on the ground … Read Article
A prescription for a healthy life | Yoga
Saturday, October 5 2019 3:32 PM
Categorized In Fitness
Downward Dog | Upward Dog |Tadasana | Warrior I Tying yourself in knots may be the solution to what ails you. Researchers around the world have been exploring the lasting effects of regular yoga practice on health and have discovered that yoga may provide assistance in the treatment of high cholesterol, insomnia, menopause, anxiety, depression and high blood pressure. Breathing techniques (Prana… Read Article
What Is the Difference Between a Vegan and Vegetarian Diet?
Friday, October 4 2019 8:48 AM
Categorized In Nutrition
Here’s the short answer: vegetarians don’t eat meat (including poultry and fish) but may eat dairy, eggs or both. Vegans take it a step further and don’t consume any animal products. Many vegans also avoid clothing, personal care and household products that are tested on animals or contain animal products. All vegans are vegetarians, but not all vegetarians are ve… Read Article
Embarrassing Gym Moments and How to Deal
Thursday, October 3 2019 4:20 PM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
We’ve all been through it—you just had an embarrassing gym moment and you're 100 percent positive everyone else saw it. You either tripped on the treadmill, or even tripped just walking toward the treadmill, or maybe you put too much weight on your bar and now you’re struggling to lift it. Embarrassing gym moments happen to the best of us, but how we deal with them truly shows our char… Read Article
Low-Carb Dieting For Beginners
Tuesday, October 1 2019 8:30 AM
Categorized In Nutrition
A low carb diet can be hard to navigate, especially for beginners that are just getting familiar with the idea. Studies show that low-carb diets can result in weight loss and improved health markers, and just about everyone knows someone who has tried it once or twice. If you’re curious about hopping on the low carb train too, here’s where to start. What Is a Low Carb Diet? A low carb diet is one… Read Article
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