The Atlantic Club Red Bank
325 Maple Ave Red Bank NJ 07701
Today's Hours: 6:00 am - 6:00 pm

Personal Training & Pilates

1:1 Training
Get the resuts you want with a customized workout plan to meet your individual needs with 1:1 personal training! The extensive experience and education of our Personal Trainers, combinded with the latest technology in the fitness industry, will deliver the results you want safely and effectively. Lets take your fitness to the next level!
30 & 50 Minute Training Sessions
Premier, Elite or Master Trainers
Single, 8 Session or 16 Session Bundles

Small Movements, Big Results
Classic, authentic Pilates has proven itself invaluable for fitness, wellness, sports training, and physical rehabilitation of all kinds. Improve your balance and stability while strengthening and stretching by working with our experienced trainers, using the Pilates reformer, Pilates cadillac, Pilates apparatus, Pilates tower, and small Pilates equipment.

“After 10 sessions you’ll feel a difference, after 20 sessions you’ll see a difference, after 30 you’ll have a whole new body” -Joseph Pilates

50 Minute Private, Partner & Trio/Quad Reformer
Single, 8 Sessions or 16 Session Bundles

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