Miramont South
901 Oakridge Dr. Fort Collins CO 80525
Today's Hours: 5:00 am - 10:00 pm

In-House Tennis Leagues

In-House Tennis Leagues at Miramont South!

Miramont South offers In-House Leagues in the Fall and Spring!

Leagues run 16 weeks and are organized based on NTRP level.

Registration is ONLINE ONLY through our Monthly Tennis Happenings email in November (for Spring Leagues) and June (for fall leagues). If you are a current Premier Member with Tennis and you are not receiving the Tennis Happenings, please contact Linda Smith at or Andy Benson at to be put on the email list.

Please Don't Be a No-Show!

  • It is your responsibility to find a substitute if you cannot play on an assigned date. Repeat no-shows may jeopardize your ability to register for future league sessions.
  • Hold your fellow players accountable. Let them know that no-shows are not OK! No-shows are unfair to members who have committed their time and money when they show up to play.

In-House League Guidelines

Genesis Miramont South's In-House Leagues provide adult members the opportunity for friendly, competitive match play with others at their level. Singles, doubles, and mixed doubles leagues are offered for players of all levels. By registering for a league, members agree they have read and will abide by the guidelines below.

Q: Who can participate in the leagues?

A: League participants must maintain a current Genesis Miramont Tennis membership, be 18 years old (or turn 18 during the league session) and be out of high school. Leagues are intended for our adult members. High school students are invited to take advantage of Miramont's junior offerings.

Q: Which league is appropriate for me?

A: We require that all league participants play at their current published NTRP level. The NTRP ratings, which are updated each year in late November, provide us with a contemporary, objective measure of a member's level of play. For members without a published NTRP rating, we rely on past in-house league results and input from the tennis professionals to place them at the appropriate level. If a member does not have a published NTRP rating and their league winning percentage drops below 30%, we may ask them to register for a lower-level league for the next session. Players without NTRP ratings whose winning percentage is above 75% may be invited to participate in a higher-level league for the next session.

Q: What if I anticipate that my NTRP rating will change this year? (applies to Spring league registration)

A: Members who anticipate that their NTRP rating will change should register for leagues at their current NTRP level. If your NTRP level changes when the updated ratings come out in late November, please immediately contact the league coordinator. Members will be placed in the desired league(s) at their new NTRP level on a space-available basis, retaining enrollment priority from their original date/time of registration deposit.

Q: What if I had a successful USTA League season and wanted to play up a level in the In-House Leagues? (applies to Fall leagues)

A: If a player is undefeated at their published NTRP level during regular summer season USTA matches (excluding mixed leagues or Districts/Sectional play) or plays up a level during the USTA season and wins 50% of their matches at that level, they may play up a level in the next in-house league session. Tournament records and records in non-USTA sanctioned events will not be considered. Players should contact the league coordinator in early August if they wish to play up a level. This exemption applies only to the Fall leagues – placement in Spring leagues will be based solely on published NTRP ratings.

Q: When are the leagues offered?

A: There are two sessions of In-House Leagues each year, and each is approximately 16 weeks long. The Fall session generally runs from the last week of August until the week before Christmas, and the Spring session generally runs from the first week in January through the end of April. The In-House League winter break is scheduled to correspond with the Poudre School District Holiday break. League schedules coincide with Miramont operating dates and times. Therefore some matches may be scheduled on holidays (i.e., Labor Day). In the case of inclement weather, league matches will be canceled only if the club closes due to weather conditions.

Q: How do I register for a league?

A: League registration occurs twice a year (late October for the Spring session and late April for the Fall session). Members can register walk-in at the front desk. Most leagues fill very quickly, and early registration is strongly suggested to ensure a spot. Placement in all leagues is first to come/first-served based on the date and time of league deposit.

Q: How much do leagues cost?

A: The total cost of the league will depend on the number of days you are scheduled to play. Singles leagues are $26/playdate, and doubles leagues are $18/playdate. Depending on the number of players and the number of weeks in the league, players usually have between 8 and 12 scheduled playing dates. All Drill & Play Leagues have an additional $112 charge for the drill portion (4 drills/session). League balances (total cost less deposit) are billed to members' credit cards on file the week before the start of league play. Members who do not have a card on file should pay their league balance due at the Front Desk before beginning the league session.

Q: Is there a registration deposit?

A: Payment of a non-refundable $50 deposit is required for each league (i.e., one singles league and one doubles league, total deposit =$100), and the total amount deposited will be applied to the final league balance due. Deposits will be refunded only if we are unable to place a member in their requested league. League deposits will not be refunded after the registration period closes if there is space in a league and the member withdraws before the beginning of the session (includes those who withdraw due to injury.)

Q: How many leagues can I register for?

A: To accommodate as many players as possible, members may initially sign up for a maximum of two leagues, excluding mixed doubles. After the registration period closes, league openings will be advertised, and members may add leagues on a space-available basis.

Q: What if I know that I will be unable to play the entire league schedule ahead of time?

A: Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate special scheduling requests (i.e., I will be traveling in January and can't play). Options include sharing a spot or finding subs for the days that you are unable to play.

Q: What if I need to drop out of a league after publishing the league schedule?

A: Players are responsible for finding their replacements if needed. Players should contact the league coordinator to see if there is a waiting list. If there is not, the sub-list for the league is a great place to start. If needed, we may provide contact information for members who may be interested in taking the spot. No refunds will be issued once league fees have been paid, so members should coordinate reimbursement directly with their replacement.

Q: What if I am unable to play on a day that I am scheduled?

A: League participants are responsible for finding their substitutes and should select their subs as follows:

  • A participant in league with a bye
  • A player from the league's sub-list
  • A sub from outside the league with the appropriate NTRP
  • A player with a different NTRP rating (scores for the match will not count toward league standings).

If you are unable to find a sub, we ask that you please call the other players who are scheduled as soon as possible to let them know! Also, if you have arranged for a sub well in advance of the playdate, it is strongly suggested that you send the sub a reminder. In the case of inclement weather, league matches will be canceled only if the club closes due to weather conditions.

Q: How are no-shows handled?

A: Players are expected to find a substitute if they cannot play. All league participants have paid in advance for their playing time, and in addition to inconveniencing the other players, no-shows cost them money. While we understand that anyone can have a last-minute emergency (please call the other players!), the vast majority of no-shows result from members failing to find a sub or simply forgetting they were scheduled to play. We have found that the best way to reduce no-shows is for participants to hold others in the league accountable by letting them know that no-shows are NOT OK! The league coordinator will contact members who have repeated no-shows and may be denied registration in future leagues.

Q: Can I reschedule my match?

A: Rescheduling of matches is strongly discouraged. Members enroll in leagues with the expectation that games will be played at the scheduled times. There have been issues with participants pressuring an opponent to reschedule rather than attempting to find a sub in the past. However, if all players involved mutually agree to play at a different time than originally scheduled, they may arrange for an alternate court time at their own expense. Match scores should be entered in the league folder under the initially scheduled match date.

Q: How are league schedules determined?

A: A computer program randomly generates a new schedule for each league in each session. Depending on the number of players in the league, participants will play 2-3 weeks in a row followed by a bye week. The program is designed to have each participant play against (and with, for doubles leagues) all other participants in the league at least once during the session.

Q: How do Rotating Partner Doubles Leagues work?

A: All doubles leagues except mixed are rotating partner leagues. Participants will start the day playing with the partner shown on the schedule. After the first set, players spin racquets to mix up the pairings for each additional set.

Q: How are league matches scored?

A: League matches use traditional scoring. If a set score is 6-6, a 7-point tiebreak is played. At the end of each match, players should enter their scores in the league folder to ensure accuracy (scores are entered in the computer exactly as written in the league folders).

Q: How are league standings determined?

A: League standings are based on a player's total win percentage, the percentage of games won plus the percentage of sets won divided by 2. The percentage of games won equals the total number of games won divided by the number of games played. The percentage of sets won equals the total number of sets won divided by the total number of sets played. If the score differential is more than one game for partial sets played, the player with the most games gets one set, and the opponent gets zero. Each player receives one-half set if a partial set score is a tie or a one-game difference.

Q: How are League Champions determined?

A: To qualify as League Champion, participants must have a full position (no shared spots) and have played at least 70% of their scheduled matches, or in mixed leagues, must have played at least 70% of matches with their permanent partner. Participants with more than one no-show during the session will not be eligible for League Championships. League Champions will receive a $15 gift certificate, which can be used on anything tennis-related (drills, lessons, leagues, racquets, shoes, stringing, except apparel).

Q: How can I keep up to date on league happenings?

A: General league information and updates will be included in the Tennis Happenings email newsletter sent to members at the beginning of each month. Please make sure your email address is current so that you will receive important In-House League notifications.

Q: Who should I contact if I have a question or concern about the leagues?

A: Linda Smith is the In-House League Coordinator, and she can be reached at

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