Arms, Back, and Shoulders

Use At-Home Objects like water bottles if you don't have weights available!



Set 1

Traditional Pushups: 4 slow, 8 quick

Tricep pushups: 4 slow, 8 quick

Combo: 2 traditional pushups, 2 tricep pushups – repeat 4 times


Set 2

Bicep Curl: 4 slow, 8 quick

Shoulder press: 4 slow, 8 quick

Combo: 2 bicep curl, 1 shoulder press – repeat 4 times


Set 3

Hammer Curl: 4 slow, 8 quick

Front Raise: 4 slow, 8 quick

Combo: 4 Hammer Curls, 4 Front Raises – repeat 4 times


Repeat for 2 Rounds!




Ready for more workouts? 

There are so many at-home workouts for you to choose from, designed for all ages and skill levels!

At-Home Workouts

Want to get the most out of every workout AND avoid gym injury? Check out this blog on common workout mistakes and how to avoid them.