Mighty Camps

 mighty camp genesis


Join the Mighty Camp Team!

Life is made up of moments. Moments that surprise us. Moments that challenge us. Moments that define us. Peak moments that we reflect back on as pivotal in the course of our lives. Many of my life’s peak moments happened in the framework of camp.

Although attending camp as a child was a magical part of my youth, my most impactful moments occurred as a young professional working in the camp. Working in the camping industry, I was surrounded by a community of selfless servant leaders who celebrated and encouraged teamwork. As a camp counselor, I was provided ample opportunity to grow professional skills while nurturing and supportive. Each summer spent in camp was filled with robust opportunities to cultivate autonomy, self-direction, altruism, collaboration, creativity, ownership, critical thinking, contribution, and belonging. Within my seasons spent in camp, I was extended ample opportunity to hone effective communication skills, take positive risks, learn from my mistakes, support others, and courageously step up and lead when opportunities arose. In camp, I refined essential professional skills within an environment where I felt a deep sense of belonging and support. I was able to take the appropriate levels of risk required to learn while existing in an environment that greatly valued a growth mindset while simultaneously holding high-performance expectations. I consistently felt a great sense of purpose in my work and the responsibilities entrusted to me in camp.

My summers spent in camp as a counselor were challenging, inspiring, and deeply meaningful chapters of life for me. In camp, I was offered respect, belonging, and opportunities for mastery. I felt capable, challenged, and purposeful. I learned resiliency, perseverance, flexibility, and ownership. I became skilled in reflection, self-awareness, critical thinking, real-time problem solving, and leadership. These experiences provided a solid foundation and prepared me to thrive in my work life, academic life, and personal life. For me, my summers dedicated to camp were filled with moments that surprised, delighted, challenged, and defined me. For this reason, I believe every emerging adult should have the advantage of multiple seasons working in camp to capture these game-changing social-emotional skills and experience the benefits for life.

Is dedicating your summer to selflessly serving today’s youth while intentionally investing in your professional growth the right fit for you this summer? If yes, with great enthusiasm, I invite you to apply for a position on the Mighty Camps Team! Let this summer be a defining moment in your life!

Christina Payne, Youth Programs Executive Director


Read the reasons why parents enroll their kids in summer camp here.

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